Friday, May 28, 2021

Jacobus Stainer in Absam prope Oenipontum 16, pt 4

 Having neglected the blog for some time now, a brief continuation.

Chalk-fitting the bass-bar blank.  The temporary studs help in placing the bar, so that each time it goes back to the same position.  They also provide support, to keep the bar vertical, when gluing.

Once the trimming to fit is done, the bar is glued in with fresh hide glue.  I don't have a very sophisticated clamping system, but it seems to work.

Letting the glue set overnight, I then remove the clamps, clean away the temporary studs, and then lay-out heights.

Sketch in the curve of the bass bar and start removing overhead.

Once I get close to the line, I switch from the gouge to finger-planes.  I try to make it smooth, somewhat even, and so that the top is still flexible.  Again, not terribly sophisticated, but seems to work.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Some varnish progress, 15-1/2" viola


I think I'm about to call it good on the color for this one.  Never really happy with my varnish, but at least by changing things every time, I get a spectrum of instrument colors.

And I change the scroll a bit each time as well.