Thursday, June 3, 2010

pre-workshop rush!


An end-of-the-day shot. I'm frantically trying to get stuff in shape for the workshop, which starts Monday. Leveling up the rib garland. Adding wings to the block of maple that will be the neck, pegbox, and scroll -- they're just to be able to get it to a square shape and will eventually be cut away. My front and back, I'm planing across grain to flatten. The back is co-operating, but the top has a bit of a twist to it. I have a short block plane and a long joiner plane -- really need to get a decent mid-sized plane for this particular job.

I also need to organize some of my tools, so I can ship some tomorrow to the workshop, those that I won't need for a couple days. They will probably arrive mid-week.

In additon, I have someone coming by tonight to drop off a bow that needs to be rehaired by tomorrow noon. Contest going on that day, and they noticed that the hair was a bit thin.

Neck on the Medieval Fiddle

I got the neck set last week, and had hoped to use an old cello fingerboard -- but it didn't have thick enough wood to do what I wanted. Also, I'm leaving for the violinmaker's workshop on Sunday, and so this will have to be it for the Medieval fiddle until after the Weiser fiddle contest. I had hoped to be able to mess about with it there. Oh well.